Discover your new favorite tune
Enjoy unlimited unique Spotify playlists — fully generated, tuned and sorted to both your tastes and setting. For any device, no payment required and no installation needed. 😱
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Enjoy unlimited unique Spotify playlists — fully generated, tuned and sorted to both your tastes and setting. For any device, no payment required and no installation needed. 😱
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Sort your favorite playlist, or quickly whip up one for your current setting.
Did you know that for the perfect party, the BPM of the music has to slowly increase over time? SongSliders lets you do this in a simple way, with a bunch more features.
SongSliders is mostly based around playlists. It offers four unique ways of generating playlists. It also has over 10 different metrics on which you can sort and tune every playlist.
Have your favorite playlist already, but want it sorted on BPM, popularity, happiness, danceability or something else? Then SongSliders is perfect for you!
You know that artist, song or playlist that you love? Maybe just in a specific mood? Throw it into SongSliders and it will give you 50 songs perfect for your setting!
Found a playlist that your like? Sorted it on the specific metric you want? You can save it directly to your Spotify.
SongSliders has a lot more than just playing with generated playlists. It features track information, loading your existing playlists, automating tasks and much more!
Have a track that you like, but wonder how high the tempo, how energetic, or what it's key/pitch is? Maybe just check how much vocals a song has? SongSliders also has you covered in that area!
SongSliders also comes with small neat features like this. A simple toggle that will automatically save your Discover Weekly in a folder under your Spotify account.
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